Introduction to the special issue, Neoliberal Capitalism and Visegrád Countermovements.
The four Visegrád countries (V4) are widely perceived to be undermining liberal democracy and the stability of the European Union they joined in 2004. The essays in this special issue approach this new populism as a countermovement in the sense of Karl Polanyi: a societal reaction to neoliberal marketization in a dependent periphery. Its varying national forms are shaped both by socialist legacies and long-term historical configurations. In this introduction, we argue that cultural-historical approaches can be fruitfully combined with analyses of contemporary political economy and global dependencies. After presenting the overall framework of the issue, we conclude by briefly introducing the essays that follow.
Cite as:
Chris Hann & Gábor Scheiring (2021), "Neoliberal Capitalism and Visegrád Countermovements," Europe-Asia Studies, Published online: Nov 8, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/09668136.2021.1990862
Available open access here.